Monday, July 28, 2014

7/28/14 - Photo from Oxford, MA

This is part of my District. There are two other sisters but they are taking the picture, and only took one! And it was one where we are all talking or are in the middle of doing something so we all look goofy! lol. But the one with the red tie is Elder Davey, he is awesome and is an amazing piano player. The one next to him what has brown skin and a purple tie, that is Elder Rivera. He is a Mexican with an English accent. SO COOL. He is the and makes everyone feel included. He is getting transferred though, which is sad. Elder Pope is the one in the grey suit next to my companion and I. He is the nicest guy I have ever met, and has the guiltiest conscience EVER. It is so funny. He apologizes for everything, it cracks me up. He is a good kid. Elder Trujillo is the one sitting on the ground. He is such an awkward guy, which makes me just love him. He is hilarious, and I am sad to see him be transferred. Then the other two sisters are behind the camera. I will miss having this district, and am not too excited to start over in making friends. But I am glad that Elder Pope, and Elder Davey are staying. Plus my companion and I and one of the other sisters. 

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