Monday, July 28, 2014

7/28/14 - Email from Oxford, MA

Sister Boldt is STILL my companion, and I cannot tell you how grateful I am for that! I love her. She is the best, and I am always learning so much from her. She says she is learning a lot from me, but I feel like I never do anything so I don't know what she is talking about.

Zone P-day was SUPER fun :) We went out to this big field and had a glorious time! There is this super long trail that we walked up to go to the campfire area and we made Kabob's and played games up there. After we ate, we went to this swamp area and played an interesting game that me and a couple of others (including elders) refused to play. But it was super fun to watch. So what we did was you had to climb down into this swamp, that was more mud than anything. But it was disgusting. And there were two crates that the elders placed down there. The goal was to stand on one of the crates, and another person stood on a crate across from you. Then you played tug of war and tried to pull the other person in the mud while balancing on the crate at the same time. It was really funny to watch some of the elders get pretty muddy.

Afterwards we went back out to the field and we all played some soccer and threw around a Frisbee at the same time, so there were two games going on at once, which was super fun :) Plus, the elders were going around spraying everyone with silly string, so that was fun as well. I am so grateful for my district leader, Elder Trujillo. He always makes sure that I am included in the activities - so I am very sad that the elder that I am good friends with is being transferred. But he has been here for 5 transfers so everyone knew he was leaving the area. But it is still sad. After all of that, we played a game where you tossed eggs at your companion and had to catch them without letting them crack. WELL. I can tell you now that I smelled really bad of eggs all day long, and went to an appointment afterwards in my church clothes, still smelling like bad eggs. Sister Boldt and I tossed three eggs......and all three splattered on me. So after the third time, I started throwing the eggs that were all over me at the Elders. They thought that me being splattered in eggs was the funniest thing..... SOOOOOO, I might have possible started an egg fight with the elders... hahahaha!!!! It was super fun though!

We also went to a zone conference, and that meeting lasted ALL DAY. But it was fun to hang out with some of the missionaries that I knew in the MTC. After zone conference though, Sister Boldt and I went to dinner with a bunch of Elders. They wanted to go to subway. Well let me tell you something, as a missionary, we eat subway TOO MUCH. I am kind of sick of it! We had had it twice the week before, and then that made it a third time. We eat subway at least once a week. The reason why, is because every Friday we have District meetings, which are far away from home for all of us, so we just eat subway together every Friday. It is kind of sad. But oh well. ANYWAYS, we went to the mall to get some Subway after zone conference, and it was really weird because we were just a group of missionaries in the mall. And the mall for a missionary, is like sin city. That is what it feels like. It is weird. You don't notice certain things in life until your a missionary, and then you are all weirded out by all these worldly things that people do or that occur in our generation. But anyways, it was really fun :)

Hmmmm, what else did we do this week? I don't remember! AAAGGGHHH!!!

Oh I know. So in our mission we have started this new thing for recent converts. Once a month, there is a Recent Convert Baptismal Day, which is when if you have a recent convert you take them to the temple so that they can participate in baptisms for the dead. It is a wonderful experience :) I was able to see Elder Perkes there! He is one of the missionaries I served with in the MTC. He is a greenie just like me, and his trainer is getting transferred. CRAZY! Especially since you are supposed to have your trainer for at least two transfers. It is fun being a missionary and going to the temple. I just love it so much! It is a completely different experience than just being a regular Joe like the rest of the world.

We taught [one of our investigators] this week. Things in his family life just aren't going well. So before we went to teach him, we decided to talk about trials. WELL, when we got there, he pretty much told us that Satan was working so hard against him and that he just had to stay strong and keep having faith in God. In the middle of our lesson he was SO FUNNY. He always gets so excited when we teach him. He literally stood up and said loufly, "Man! I love being a Mormon!" It was SO hilarious. Of course, we are going to remind him that he still has to be baptized to officially be a member, but it was still funny. However, we think that he might have some Word of Wisdom problems.... possibly with smoking. So we are going to talk about that next time we go over this week. I wish you could experience it with me as I watch all of these people grow so much. I love it.

All trials are there for our benefit. I have learned something about trials. Everyone says that Heavenly Father will never give you something that you can't handle. Well, I think that is a false statement. I think that He DOES give us things we can't handle so that we can learn to rely on Him. He is the reason our burdens are made light, so why wouldn't He want us to fully put our faith in Him? And He does it out of love too. There is always something to learn from a trial. And I think that although trials are hard, that we should start looking at them differently. I think we should look at them with a positive outlook rather than negative. Like I said, Heavenly Father gives us trials because He trusts us enough to go through them and learn and grow from them. I think that is a blessing in of itself.

I hope you have a splendid week!!!!

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