Monday, June 30, 2014

Email from Oxford, MA

My week was splendid. Although, I am exhausted in all ways possible, I am standing strong. Missionary work is hard because you are exerting yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, AND spiritually. Hence the reason for me being tired and having headaches a lot. Apparently, missionaries always get sick the first or second week they are in the field. It hasn't happened yet, so let's just pray that it doesn't happen at all! My dinners have all been rather good so far. I am eating veggies like a pro. Even though I hate them. 

It has been VERY HUMID HERE! You Washington people have no idea. Uuugh. However, my hair has been doing VERY well. The Lord has blessed my hair. BAHAHAHA. It is weird to say, but he has. AND the humidity allows me to wear my hair curly. That's right ladies and gentlemen. You heard me right. After years of straightening my hair, I sometimes wear it curly here. I expect many applause and flowers and treats. HAHAHA, jk. I think I look weird with curly hair. I think it is because the last time I wore my hair curly it was long. Plus, it doesn't have much volume on top, like it does when I straighten it. BUT, the point is that I HAVE been wearing it curly. Let it be known to the whole world. I'm hoping that by wearing it curly that it will grow. I JUST WANT LONG HAIR AGAIN :(

A Bubbler is a water fountain/drinking fountain. If you say water fountain, nobody here will know what you are talking about. A Rotary is a round-a-bout. A Grinder means Sandwich. And Malt is a milkshake. 

I saw Emily Rogers at the MTC. She seemed like she was doing really well! She seemed excited to do the work, and seemed to have some good friends down there from what it looked like. So you can tell Sister Rogers that if you ever run into her.

Let's see what else?  Many people in the ward, and all over Massachusetts have had bad experiences with missionaries in the past. Many less actives have been offended deeply and if we were to be bold with them and tell them how it is, it would just make things worse. There are not many youth, and the ones that we have are not very active. The primary kids are, but the youth are not. The parents don't force their children to go to church. A lot of it is because a lot of the members are converts and don't want to push their children. I wish I could just be so blunt with people, but I can't! It is hard. 

A lot of our work is focusing on the less actives and nonmembers though. We are trying to build a really good trust with them.  Sister Boldt and I are trying to come up with ways that we can get involved with the youth. We believe that if we can influence the youth and children in the ward that it will make a huge difference. The problem is that a lot of the youth have youth conference and girls camp and all kinds of things. 

The people are just so different here, and I pray that I can somehow make a difference and open peoples eyes to the reality that the gospel brings. It breaks my heart to see so many people not living the gospel how they should be. I just want to convert EVERYONE, UGH!

Plus, I haven't even met any of our investigators yet. They keep canceling or not showing up to appointments. So I haven't taught a single lesson and my teaching skills are just itching to come out and preach the gospel to people! Hopefully we will be able to bless somebodies life sooner or later. It is just hard to be patient.

Anyways.... that was my rant. I feel better now.

Pray for me! I'm always praying for each one of you :)

Love Always,

Sister Emmie Bower :)

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